Why You Need a Web Manager
by Edward Danilyuk, Founder
Tell me if this sounds familiar.
Your site looks like it's a mashup of four sites. Each page has slightly different layouts, colors and flow. Some pages have one call to action, others have over 5. Did you want someone to sign up for a demo? Get pricing? How about learning more about your team?
This is what happens when everyone has access and can make changes to the site without a filter, without strategy.
Benefits of having a Web Manager
The biggest reason I suggest teams hire or appoint a web manager is that this person becomes the property owner. This is extremely important. Typically the updates for web live in kind of a no man's land. Marketing owns some pages, sales wants input here and there, product wants to showcase their new releases - the list goes on.
A good web manager can triage tasks as they come in, build project plans, manage contractors and manage internal team members. They can build and maintain the overall strategy for the site. They can veto bad ideas, and help gather resources to push good ideas through. They will make the difference between your site looking like 20 people work on it and your site having one cohesive branded experience.